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Well, Spring is upon us and it’s time for bright, colorful, refreshing, fresh-ingredient salads! This one is cheap and easy too.  I haven’t ever bought radishes before but they were surprisingly crisp and really perfect for a vinegar-based dish.

Tangy Cucumber Radish Salad - (10)

Start with a handful of cukes and radishes. How many of each is up to how much you want to make and whether you’d like more of each ingredient. I used 6 Persian cucumbers and 8 radishes.

By the way, this will be even cheaper if you use standard cucumbers instead of these small, Persian cucumbers which were a bit more expensive.

Tangy Cucumber Radish Salad - (1)

 You can simply slice or chop the vegetables in any shape you want. I wanted to try my new mandolin and get perfect, fast slices. Side note: be careful if you use a mandolin! I truly almost sliced the tip of my finger off. Got too cocky. Anyway, this one is one of the highest-rated, least expensive ones on Amazon and I’m very happy with it. 

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 Pretty, aren’t they?

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Tangy Cucumber Radish Salad - (4)

 Then I added about 1/4 cup each of finely sliced onions and peppers. Add ANY vegetable or bean you want to this salad. 

Tangy Cucumber Radish Salad - (5)

 I added a clove of fresh garlic as well. Because we’ll be eating this garlic raw, we should make a paste so that someone won’t get stuck with a big piece of it. To make a paste, coarsely chop it on the cutting board and add a heavy pinch of salt. 

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 Then take the blade of the knife and smash the garlic over and over until you don’t see any large pieces. 

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 Drop it in the salad. 

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 In another bowl I whisked a spoonful of dijon mustard, 2 T. or so of red wine vinegar, 2 T. or so of olive oil, 1 T. honey (or other sweetener if you prefer), salt and pepper. (If you have fresh parsley, throw some of that in there. I didn’t have any though.)

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 Mix well and adjust to your taste. It can be eaten immediately but I loved it even more after a few days in the fridge. 

Tangy Cucumber Radish Salad - (11)

  • Persian cucumbers: $3.50
  • Radishes: $1.00
  • 8 Servings: $4.50


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