So, you’ve got yourself a salmon filet and you have no idea what to do with it. There are probably hundreds of things you could do with it, but here’s a very simple method that you’ll enjoy.
Take a VERY SHARP knife, like this one, and very carefully cut slits through the skin about 1/4″-1/2″ apart. Don’t cut all the way through, just cut until it pierces the skin. If your knife is sharp, you won’t have to push very hard. Let the blade do the work.
Then take your favorite herb (I used fresh parsley here) and chop it up finely.
Rub the herbs, salt, and pepper in between the slits in the fish.
Heat up your skillet until it’s smoking hot. Once you see a little smoke rising from the pan, add a little bit of vegetable or coconut oil. Place the fish skin side down. It will pop and freak out, but fear not. You can bring the heat down to medium high if you’d like, but high should be okay. The skin will protect if from burning too much.
Once you put it down, you can swish it around to distribute the grease, but after that, don’t touch it. Leave it alone. Maybe start cleaning up the kitchen so you’re not tempted to poke it.
You’ll want to continue cooking until about 2/3 of the fish is done. You’ll see that the skin is browning nicely by just looking at the sides, and that the majority of it is white or light pink. Try to wait until it looks mostly done before you flip it. Remember, the skin is protecting the meat.
Flip it over for just a minute or so to finish cooking the filet.
Remove the fish, and add a handful of fresh spinach to the hot pan.
It will quickly wilt. If you’d like to, you can add a dash of cream and parmesan cheese for a creamed spinach flare.
In just a few seconds, the cream will evaporate. Remove from the heat and plate it.
Place the salmon on top and you’re ready to roll! This would also taste good with this side dish and this side dish. I didn’t eat the salmon skin, but if I WAS a skin-eater, this would have been amazing because it’s so crunchy and salty.
- 1 Salmon filet – Prices on salmon vary, but I got mine for about $2.75
- Handful o’ spinach – .20¢