I weigh more than I should for my height. I’ve visited Taco Hell more than I should have. I love real butter and sweets. I’m not a dietitian. I don’t even have a college degree. I’m poor and “don’t have the time” to make “real food”. Because I have a full time job (well, I will soon) and a busy schedule, fast food and “fake” food sometimes feels like my only option.
In reference to eating healthy, I hear the phrase, “But eating healthy is expensive” more often than any other excuse, even from my own mouth. Maybe you have no idea how to cook. Maybe you hate grocery shopping like me because it’s easier to spend $5 on a value meal then $50 on a grocery bill. Maybe you just cook for yourself and you’re thinking, “What’s the point?” Maybe you’re simply too lazy to make yourself food and don’t see the importance in eating healthy. Maybe you hate vegetables and fruits, Heaven forbid.
I’m here to discover other options for people like us. People who are poor and unhappy with their eating habits and sedentary lifestyles. People who want to eat real food but not spend a fortune doing it. I’m choosing to start channeling the little money I have into getting healthy, and maybe losing a few pounds while I’m at it. I’m choosing to start channeling my time into making this real food for myself. (This isn’t a fading new year’s resolution either!)
I guarantee you that if you’re not a healthy eater yet, you’ll find yourself feeling physically and mentally so much better than you thought you could. I’m not talking about diets. As the tagline of Weight Watchers says, “Diets don’t work.” I couldn’t agree more. It’s simply an effort to start eating better, more fulfilling food while taking it easy on my wallet too.
I’d like to use this blog as an incentive for me to put my money where my mouth is. I’m passionate about creative and simple cooking and I hope to share some ideas with you. I hope to post healthy recipes, some vegetarian, some vegan, some not at all, but all cheap and all healthy. I’ll also challenge you to use your own ideas. My recipes will be flexible so you can cook to your or your family’s own preferences. You don’t have to be a great cook to do what I do either. That’s right bachelors and bachelorettes! I’ll explain everything in detail so that if you don’t know how to boil water you can still do it! And remember, it’ll be cheap. So no excuses!
If you’d like to follow along this debunking journey with me, I’d love to have you come along.
You rock. I am going into the nutrition field. And i really appreciate this website. I am both broke and driven to be healthy and inspire others to do the same. God bless you and your insight. You are awesome; this website is awesome. Imagine a day where broke people can eat healthy too. Lol. Peace, love and happiness to you.
Amanda, thanks for commenting. I'm glad you make an effort to buy healthy food for your family. Being a single mother has got to be hard- and struggling financially doesn't help the stress, I'm sure. I hope this website is an encouragement to you! One doesn't have to have much money to eat healthy. Thanks for helping me prove that!
I am a single mother of one and I love healthy food for us. I love to cook and pack lunches for us. We use food stamps to buy our groceries each week and try to pick the very best foods while making the money last all month.