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Ummm yeah, this was as good as it looks. This beast of an Asian dish was ridiculously easy to prepare, but does take a little vegetable-cutting time, FYI. Feel free to add any meat and any other veggie you want. Oh, and this makes about 2 servings.

Go ahead and start making a few servings of brown rice. It takes forever and a day to make, so start early. If you really don’t have time, go for white rice!

Here’s the time-consuming part: Cut up about 1/2 onion, a handful o’ spinach, a few green onions (cut it on an angle to look pretty), 4-5 mushrooms, a few cloves of garlic, and about a teaspoon of fresh ginger. Beat an egg and set aside. In another bowl you want add some or all of the following ingredients according to your preferences: soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, a few drops of liquid smoke, teriyaki sauce, and a little honey.

Now, in a super hot & greased wok or nonstick skillet, add your onions.

After they start to get a little color on them, add your mushrooms, ginger and garlic. Oh snap, this smelled SOOO GOOD.

After a minute or two, push the veggies to the side and pour the egg in the middle of the pan.

Once the egg is *almost* cooked, add the cooked rice, green onions and spinach.

After just a few flips in the pan, add your sauce. Hey, start with a little at a time- like maybe a tablespoon for two servings. You don’t want it super salty. Also keep in mind: the teriyaki sauce and honey burn quick, so really, only cook this for a minute or less. Obviously if you start smelling it burning on the high heat, take it off and serve.

Should look something like this! This is a PERFECT side to some kind of seafood, in my humble opinion.

  • 2 Servings rice – $.20
  • Handful o’ spinach – $.10
  • 1/2 Onion – $.32
  • 5 Mushrooms – $.81
  • Green onions – ~$.15
  • 1 Egg – $.12
  • 2 Servings: $1.70
  • 1 Serving: $.85

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