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These trailers are listed based on ratings from Rotten Tomatoes. Don’t let the ratings fool you, though. Sometimes the best things are the least popular.


Food, Inc. (2008) (site) Watch on Netflix

King Corn (2007) (site) Watch on Netflix 


Our Daily Bread (2005) (site) Watch on Netflix


Supersize Me (2003) Watch on Hulu Watch on YouTube


The Real Dirt on Farmer John (2007) (site) Watch on Netflix


The Future of Food (2004) (site) Watch on Netflix


Food Matters (2009) (site) Watch on Netflix


The Garden (2008) (site) Watch on Netflix


Fresh (2010) (site)


Forks Over Knives (2011) (site) Watch on Netflix


Fast Food Nation (2006) Watch on Netflix


The Beautiful Truth (2008) (site)

 Watch on Netflix  Watch on YouTube


Blue Gold: World Water Wars (2008) (site) Watch on Netflix


The Gerson Miracle (2004) (site) Watch on Hulu Watch on Netflix


Killer at Large: Why Obesity is America’s Greatest Threat (2009) (site)


Dirt! The Movie (2009) (site)


Fed Up! (2002) Fed Up! on Netflix


Food Fight (2008) (site)


Food Stamped (2011) (site) (Watch on Netflix)


As We Sow (2005) (site)

Not on Rotten Tomatoes or Netflix, but you can watch the whole film here. 


Fast Food Baby (2011)

BBC Special not found on Hulu or Netflix, but can be watched below.


Jimmy’s Food Fight (2008)

BBC Special not found on Hulu or Netflix, but can be watched below.


Genetically Modified Food: Panacea or Poison

Not found on Hulu or Netflix, but can be watched below.


Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World

Not found on Hulu or Netflix, but can be watched below.


The World According to Monsanto

Not found on Hulu or Netflix, but can be watched below.


Did Cooking Make Us Human?

BBC Special not found on Hulu or Netflix, but can be watched below.


Big Sugar

Not found on Hulu or Netflix, but can be watched below.


Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes In 30 Days

Not found on Hulu or Netflix, but can be watched below.

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